China Best Sales Wheel Loader Spare Parts Shift Lever Tip Normal Size Wheel Loader Spare Parts Rear Drive Axle/ Hydraulic Rear Steer Axle Wheel Loader Front Wheel Drive Axle axle clamp

Product Description

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My name is Irina Mamoshina. Please pay a moment of your attention : -).
Our company HangZhou CZPT International Trade Co., Ltd is engaged in the production and sale of auto parts for Chinese special equipment, engines and equipment assembly. We also produce metal parts ourselves, such as gears, fingers, filters, etc.
Our products include:
ZL30G, ZL40G, ZL50G, ZL50GL, ZL60G, LW3 Roller needle Подшипник роликовый игольчатый 46 33 12JS160T-17 0571 1 bearing pneumatic regulating control valve пневматический регулирующий контрольный клапан  54 34 F91444 oil seal cuff сальник манжетка 88 35 192311E elongated intermediate shaft of the auxiliary gearbox assembly удлиненный промежуточный вал вспомогательной КПП в сборе 18 36 14341  Gear Shift cylinder piston Поршень цилиндра переключения диапазонов передач 60 37 14344  O-shaped O-ring О-образное уплотнительное кольцо 140 38 14345  O-shaped O-ring О-образное уплотнительное кольцо 140 39 14349  Cylinder head cover sealing gasket Прокладка уплотнительная крышки головки блока цилиндров 80 40 14765  O-shaped O-ring О-образное уплотнительное кольцо 140 41 12JS160T-1707062 Gear shift cylinder gear shift Цилиндр переключения диапазонов передач 50 42 F99857 cylinder cover for auxiliary gearbox control крышка цилиндра переключения передач управления вспомогательной КПП 30 43 JS intermediate shaft cover gasket for auxiliary gearbox demultiplicator прокладка крышки промежуточного вала демультипликатора вспомогательной КПП 50 44 JS180-17 0571 6 rear bearing cover gasket for spindle прокладка крышки заднего подшипника демультипликатора шпинделя 50 45 615-6 housing gasket clutch картер сцепления 4 115 Q61304 housing cone plug пробка конусная 40 116 JS180A-1757140-3 primary shaft bearing cover primary shaft крышка подшипника первичного вала 4 117 JS180A-1757136 nut гайка первичного вала 10 118 C57120 locking ring кольцо стопорное 12 119 155712К Bearing Подшипник 8 120 16463  gear bushing втулка шестерни 8 121 14750  locking ring кольцо стопорное 8 122 JS180A-1757130-3 primary shaft вал первичный 4 123 12JS2 Locking flange of the demultiplier bearing Фланец фиксаторный подшипника демультипликатора 12 138 С571 Bolt M10x22 Болт М10х22 20 139 12JS2 Bearing подшипник 6 149 10JS160-17571 Cover крышка 10 150 С57132 cuff of the rear bearing cover манжета крышки заднего подшипника 40 151 F91 intermediate shaft reverse gear промежуточный вал передачи заднего хода 40 215 12JS160T-17 0571 1 bearing secondary shaft assembly подшипник вторичного вала в сборе 10 216 12.7G1, A, , B7615-1571/411B/Yuchai YC6B125/YC6108 Engine exhaust valve Клапан выпускной двигателя 12 370 251405716/251757103/40*140 Steering cylinder pin Палец рулевого цилиндра 20 371 255715712/Z3.8.5/255715712/Z3.8.5/50*145 Rear axle balance pin (fork) Палец балансира заднего моста (вилка) 10 372 Z5G.6.21/251405710/80*240 Pin fork (bucket hydraulic cylinder frame) Палец вилка (рама гц ковша) 6 373 , BA/YC6B125/YC6108/Yuchai Fuel tube (return of injectors) of the CZPT engine Трубка топливная (обратка форсунок) двигателя 1 374 630-1112,, 411 2nd gear gearbox shaft Вал КПП 2-ой передачи 1 393 LW3 Reverse gear gearbox shaft Вал КПП задней передачи 1 394 83513201/SP105819/PY180.39.02-01 Main hub shaft Вал основной ступичный 1 395 Z3.4.2-01/LW3 Shaft bushing Втулка вала 4 403 ZL50E-6-2/2504C Water pump Насос водяной 2 444 CBT-E316/CBN-F316 Hydraulic pump Насос гидравлический 1 445 CBG2040/JHP2040/W0606A Return tube Трубка обратки 2 481 Клапан тормозной Brake valve 1 605 Z30.4.13 Клапан трансмиссии Transmission valve 1 606 ZL50E-II-001/Xihu (West Lake) Dis.n 956, ZLM50E-5 Колодка тормозная на погрузчик Brake pad for loader 10 607 Z50B.2.1-3  Муфта включения Switching coupling 1 608 Z50B.2.1-30 Муфта включения Switching coupling 1 609 zlm50E-5 Ремкомплект гидроцилиндра опрокидывания ковша Bucket Tipping Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Kit 1 610 zlm50E-6 Ремкомплект гидроцилиндра подъема стрелы Boom Lifting Hydraulic Cylinder Repair Kit 1 611 zlm50E-5 Ремкомплект гидроцилиндра рулевого Steering cylinder Repair kit 1 612 Z30.6.3B-RKT Ремкомплект суппорта тормозного Brake Caliper Repair Kit 1 613 50*80*12/B-G09877A-0571 Сальник Oil seal 6 614 Z50B.14.21-4 Фильтр гидравлический Hydraulic filter 5 615 Z50E.14.1.3 Фильтр гидравлический Hydraulic filter 5 616 W-15-00057 Фильтр трансмиссии Transmission filter 6 617 Z55S030000002T9 Вал насоса КПП Gearbox pump shaft 1 618 Z35F5715571B Муфта  резиновая Rubber coupling 2 619 Z50E0301 Насос КПП Gear Shift Pump 1 620 CG50.6.2-10 Генератор Generator 1 2 654 C6121/6N9294/5C9088 Генератор Generator 2 2 655 16Y-11-00000/YJ380 Гидротрансформатор (Конвертер) Torque Converter (Converter) 1 656 3418684/3418529 Головка блока цилиндров в сборе Cylinder head assembly 2 1 657 7N8866 Головка блока цилиндров ДВС (НЕ В СБОРЕ) Engine cylinder head (NOT ASSEMBLED) 1 658 16Y-15-00026 Диск КПП (поршень) Gearbox disc (piston) 2 659 16Y-16-57102 Диск нажимной Push disk 2 660 16Y-16-0571 Диск фрикционный Friction disc 1 10 661 16Y-16-57100 Диск фрикционный Friction disc 2 10 662 16Y-15-09000 Диск фрикционный КПП Friction gearbox disc 1 10 663 175-15-12713 Диск фрикционный КПП Friction gearbox disc 2 10 664 198-30-16612+170-27-12340 Доукон малый (КОМПЛЕКТ) Doukon Small (SET) 5 665 ZL50G2-11100-2Y Зуб боковой правый Right lateral tooth 4 666 175-20-30000 Кардан (муфта в сборе) Cardan (coupling assembly) 1 667 D2711-10500/D2700-10500 Клаксон Klaxon 3 668 16Y-11-30000 Клапан ГТР Torque Converter Valve 1 669 154-49-51100 Клапан регулировки давления Pressure control valve 1 670 701-30-51002 Главный редукционный клапан в сборе Main pressure reducing valve assembly 1 671 (3 0571 80+315719+3012332+315717)/3803471/3801755 Кольца поршневые (комплект 18 шт.) Piston rings (set of 18 pcs.) 2 672 4058967+4058968+4058969 Кольца поршневые (КОМПЛЕКТ) Piston rings (SET) 2                                                                                

After-sales Service: No
Warranty: No
Condition: New
Certification: CE, RoHS, GS, ISO9001
Customized: Non-Customized

cv axle

Can you explain the impact of front axles on a vehicle’s weight distribution?

The front axles of a vehicle play a significant role in determining the weight distribution, which in turn affects the vehicle’s handling, traction, and performance. Here’s how front axles impact weight distribution:

1. Balance of Weight:

– The front axles bear a portion of the vehicle’s weight, including the engine and other front-end components. This weight on the front axles contributes to balancing the distribution of the vehicle’s total weight between the front and rear axles.

2. Traction:

– Weight distribution affects traction. In a front-wheel-drive (FWD) vehicle, where the engine and front axles receive most of the weight, there’s increased traction on the front wheels. This can be advantageous for acceleration and stability, especially in adverse weather conditions.

– In rear-wheel-drive (RWD) vehicles, the weight distribution is biased toward the rear axles, which can lead to better traction for rear-wheel drive purposes, such as heavy loads or towing.

3. Handling and Stability:

– Weight distribution impacts a vehicle’s handling and stability. A balanced weight distribution provides more predictable handling characteristics, making the vehicle easier to control, particularly during cornering and braking.

– A front-heavy weight distribution can lead to understeer, where the vehicle tends to push wide in corners, while a rear-heavy distribution can lead to oversteer, causing the rear end to slide out during aggressive maneuvers.

4. Ride Comfort:

– Proper weight distribution can enhance ride comfort. An imbalanced distribution, with too much weight on the front axles, can lead to a harsher ride and increased stress on the front suspension components.

5. Impact on Performance:

– Depending on the vehicle’s intended purpose, weight distribution can be optimized to improve performance. For example, sports cars often have a rearward weight bias for better handling dynamics, while off-road vehicles may have a frontward bias for traction.

6. Load-Bearing Capacity:

– The weight-bearing capacity of the front axles is crucial for trucks and commercial vehicles that carry heavy loads. Proper distribution ensures that both front and rear axles can handle their respective loads without overloading or underloading either axle.

– Vehicle manufacturers carefully engineer weight distribution to achieve a balance that aligns with the intended purpose and design of the vehicle.

– In summary, front axles significantly influence a vehicle’s weight distribution, affecting traction, handling, stability, ride comfort, and performance. The balance of weight between the front and rear axles is a critical factor in the vehicle’s overall behavior and characteristics.

cv axle

What are the safety considerations related to front axle design and maintenance?

Safety is paramount when it comes to front axle design and maintenance in vehicles. Here are important safety considerations:

1. Structural Integrity:

– The front axle’s structural integrity is critical. It must be designed and manufactured to withstand the stresses and loads it will encounter. Regular inspections are necessary to detect any signs of structural damage, including cracks or deformation, which can compromise safety.

2. Weight Limits:

– Front axles have weight limits, and exceeding these limits can lead to axle failure and accidents. It’s essential to adhere to the manufacturer’s weight ratings and not overload the front axle with excessive cargo or passengers.

3. Suspension System:

– The front axle is closely linked to the suspension system. Proper suspension maintenance is vital for ride comfort and safety. Worn-out or damaged suspension components can affect vehicle stability and handling, leading to unsafe conditions.

4. Brake System:

– The front axle is directly connected to the brake system. Regular inspection and maintenance of brakes, brake lines, and hydraulic components are crucial to ensure that the vehicle can stop safely in various conditions.

5. Steering System:

– The front axle plays a key role in the steering system. Any issues with the front axle can affect steering response and control. Regular alignment and steering system checks are essential for safe operation.

6. Tire Condition:

– Tires on the front axle must be in good condition with adequate tread depth and proper inflation. Worn or improperly inflated tires can lead to loss of traction, reduced braking performance, and potential accidents.

7. Regular Inspections:

– Routine inspections and maintenance by qualified technicians are essential. Inspections should cover not only the front axle but also related components, such as tie rods, ball joints, and wheel bearings. Detecting and addressing issues early can prevent safety hazards.

8. Training and Education:

– Vehicle operators and maintenance personnel should receive proper training and education on front axle safety and maintenance. Understanding the fundamentals of safe operation and routine checks is crucial for accident prevention.

– In summary, front axle design and maintenance are critical aspects of vehicle safety. Regular inspections, adherence to weight limits, proper suspension, brake and steering system maintenance, and tire care are all integral to ensuring the safe operation of vehicles with front axles.

cv axle

How does a front axle impact a vehicle’s steering and handling?

The front axle of a vehicle plays a significant role in influencing its steering and handling characteristics. Here’s how it impacts these aspects:

1. Steering:

– The front axle is directly linked to a vehicle’s steering system, and it determines how the front wheels respond to steering inputs. The type of front axle design can affect the vehicle’s steering behavior.

Solid Front Axle: Vehicles with solid front axles, such as some trucks and off-road vehicles, typically have slower and less precise steering compared to vehicles with independent front suspension. Turning the wheels on a solid front axle requires more effort, making the steering feel heavier.

Independent Front Suspension (IFS): Vehicles equipped with IFS, like most passenger cars and SUVs, offer more responsive and precise steering. The independent movement of each wheel allows for easier and smoother turning, enhancing the vehicle’s agility.

2. Handling:

– Handling refers to a vehicle’s ability to respond to driver inputs and maintain stability while cornering and maneuvering. The front axle design impacts how a vehicle handles various driving conditions.

Solid Front Axle: Vehicles with solid front axles excel in scenarios where durability and load-bearing capacity are more critical than cornering performance. They are commonly used in off-road and heavy-duty applications. However, their handling characteristics may not be as sharp as those of vehicles with IFS when navigating curves or uneven roads.

Independent Front Suspension (IFS): IFS enhances a vehicle’s handling on paved roads. It allows each wheel to react independently to road imperfections and turns, resulting in better traction, stability, and comfort during cornering. IFS is preferred in vehicles where ride comfort and precise handling are essential.

– The choice of front axle design can significantly impact a vehicle’s overall steering response and handling characteristics. For example, sports cars often employ IFS to achieve optimal performance and handling, while heavy-duty trucks prioritize solid front axles to handle heavy loads and challenging terrains.

China Best Sales Wheel Loader Spare Parts Shift Lever Tip Normal Size Wheel Loader Spare Parts Rear Drive Axle/ Hydraulic Rear Steer Axle Wheel Loader Front Wheel Drive Axle   axle clampChina Best Sales Wheel Loader Spare Parts Shift Lever Tip Normal Size Wheel Loader Spare Parts Rear Drive Axle/ Hydraulic Rear Steer Axle Wheel Loader Front Wheel Drive Axle   axle clamp
editor by CX 2023-11-16